Two wonderful readings reminding us that what we focus on determines our level of happiness. We do...
Month: September 2020
Wonderful readings today with the messages of Thinking carefully about your motives behind the choices you make....
Wonderful readings today with a message of turning mundane, dreaded tasks into wonderful events by changing our...
In today’s readings we are told that God is not to be understood, but felt. And when...
God is both with us and within us and we can choose the light and choose to...
Spending quiet time with God is so important to our peace and serenity throughout the day. By...
We are reminded to not worry about the future, God will supply us with all we need...
Spending quiet time each day with God enables us to seek out and see His presence more...
Reminders that we are more alike than different and to stay near to God to keep our...
2 excellent readings reminding us to call God to be with us, and look for the signs...