We trust in the Lord and we turn outcomes over to Him. He will protect us and...
Month: April 2021
What wonderful readings today. Look for God in everything today and see how your day goes. Thanks...
Wonderful readings today to give us direction and strength as we go about our busy day. Thanks...
Powerful readings today. Thank you so much for watching and for loving and supporting each other. See...
Thank you for tuning in and welcoming me home! Feels good to be here. Good readings today...
Thank for joining me for our last Readings From The Road for a while. Monday I should...
Greetings from the banks of the mighty Mississippi! Thanks for watching our live readings from East Memphis,...
“Do not be afraid for I am with you. No matter what happens I will never leave...
Greetings from the Arkansas River in Osark, Arkansas and thanks for sharing your thoughts on our 2...
Greetings from southern Colorado! 2 wonderful readings reminding us to be thankful in all situations and to...