Beautiful readings about the simple act of seeking God makes us feel better. Beautiful sunrise cross. See...
Month: January 2021
Such wonderful readings and a very strong, beautiful sunrise cross today! God is so good.
Again we read about trust and how trusting in God allows us to rise above our circumstances....
Trusting God helps us see the good in all circumstances and we can learn that it is...
What a powerful message to start our week. We have many opportunities to turn to God, to...
God is always there for us, it is we who forget that and then feel abandoned and...
2 beautiful readings to start our week.
You can find peace when you train you mind to focus more and more on God.
See the light, feel the light within you, and be the light. What powerful readings this morning....
Reaffirm your trust in God and look for the joy throughout your day. This will lessen your...