February 7, 2025

4 thoughts on “The Most Beautiful Poem Ever Written

  1. Wise poem about prayer, I love to pray about everything because, I trust that prayer is love that transform God, the person that prays, and those we pray for.
    Is free and available to all, without descrimination, of race, or status in life only one other thing is equal to prayer.
    Death, the equalizer we are all the same in front of death.

  2. My husband and myself have been joining you on your porch for several years and we have been truly blessed by your sweet spirit. We live in Halifax, Nova Scotia , Canada. We love seeing your sweet kitty cats Keister and Sammy too. 😻😻. You have enriched our lives totally and I always share with all our friends and family daily. God Bless you and your family. Thanking you for your sweet spirit. ❤️🙏🏻 Love the recipes you shared with us too.

    1. Thank you so much Helen. Your words really touched my heart and I am so happy to have “met” you. I love seeing you during the recordings and I thank you for all your support.
      <3 Kay

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